Digital Utilities Ventures, Inc. (DUTV) has successfully acquired Feed Earth Now, LLC, signifying a significant leap in its mission to advance regenerative agriculture. The acquisition aligns with DUTV’s initiative to tackle global fertilizer shortages through innovative, organic products. Led by CEO Mark K. Gaalswyk, the consolidated entity promises to leverage Feed Earth Now’s microbial soil amendment technology for improved soil, water, and air quality. Founder Cathy Scratch and Senior Agronomist Ron Doetch will continue in their respective roles within Feed Earth Now, ensuring a seamless transition and ongoing innovation. Terreplenish, a USDA-certified and CDFA-registered product, will play a pivotal role in regenerating soil health by facilitating a symbiotic relationship between soil, water, and the atmosphere. DUTV aims to expand its reach globally by collaborating with agriculture co-ops and rural suppliers to promote local and environmentally sound solutions. The merger is expected to enhance profitability, reduce costs, and foster sustainable agriculture practices.

Agriculture Technology, Sustainable Development,United States