NIO Capital, the investment arm with a sharp focus on mobility & logistics, new energy, and frontier technology sectors, has announced the successful closure of their second Renminbi-denominated fund, amassing over 3 billion yuan. Drawing interest from a sturdy backing of RMB guidance funds, national-level funds, family offices, and listed companies, NIO Capital’s Managing Partner, Ian Zhu, heralded the fund’s completion with a positive outlook on the burgeoning smart electric vehicle and new energy sectors. Zhu positioned Chinese companies as global leaders in product strength and innovation speed, setting the stage for NIO Capital’s proactive role in fostering sustainable technological advances. Since its inception in 2016, NIO Capital has raised five funds, including three in US dollars and two in RMB, now managing assets worth 15 billion yuan. Highlighting the achievements of the RMB I fund, which boasts five listed or pre-listed companies from its twenty investments, NIO Capital showcases its strategic and savvy investment practices. Notable companies in NIO Capital’s portfolio include industry leaders like CATL and Ronbay Technology, as well as rising tech companies such as Tuhu and Momenta. Standing by its ethos to ‘Invest in innovation and sustainability to advance humankind,’ NIO Capital has become a stalwart of sustainable investment, leveraging its expertise to assist its portfolio companies in achieving low-carbon and sustainable growth. The firm’s hybrid team, known for its strong industry background, investment prowess, and expansive ecosystem network, offers a multi-dimensional support system for entrepreneurs.

“Private Equity and Venture Capital”, “Automotive and Energy Technology”,”China”