Spirit AeroSystems’ potential acquisition by Boeing has generated significant concern within US defense and government circles since discussions began in March 2024. The primary worry is whether the merger will affect the defense supply chain, particularly given Spirit’s key role in several military aerial programs, including the B-21 Raider strategic bomber and the Bell V-280 tiltrotor aircraft. Despite Boeing’s prominence as a defense contractor, there are fears that it might prioritize Spirit’s commercial activities, jeopardizing essential defense capabilities. The company also maintains a significant international presence, highlighted by a new design center in Malaysia. Jerry Moran, Senator for Kansas, voiced his concerns during a Senate Defense Appropriations Committee hearing, emphasizing that Spirit, headquartered in Wichita, employs 13,000 Kansans and is vital to the defense industrial base. The Senator argued that losing Spirit’s defense capabilities would have national security implications.

Aerospace and Defense, Commercial Aviation,United States, Malaysia
