Altair (Nasdaq: ALTR), the computational intelligence leader, announced the strategic acquisition of Cambridge Semantics, propelling its offerings in data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) into the next generation. Cambridge Semantics, renowned for its sophisticated analytical graph databases and modern data fabric provider capabilities, will complement Altair’s suite of data analytics and data science tools. The integration will fuse Cambridge Semantics’ transformational knowledge graph technology with Altair’s RapidMiner platform, creating a robust analytics ecosystem. This ecosystem is set to empower organizations with more advanced, AI-infused business operations. James R. Scapa, founder and CEO of Altair, highlights that knowledge graphs are essential for data fabrics, facilitating accessible and appropriately timed data for significant organizational queries. Cambridge Semantics, established by IBM Advanced Technology Group alumni in 2007, is attributed with introducing semantic graph data models that transform the way organizations harness their data for competitive advantages, such as powering analytics and unveiling novel insights. Srikanth Mahalingam, CTO of Altair, anticipates that this acquisition will mark a new chapter of innovation, merging a wealth of data warehousing expertise with existing prowess in analytics and data science. The integration is expected to amplify technology adoption and provide strategic benefits to Cambridge Semantics’ existing clientele, including top Fortune 500 companies in government, defense, life sciences, and manufacturing, by leveraging Altair’s broad customer base and business model.

Software & Technology, Data Management & Analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI),United States, Global